Managing cooking oil and grease disposal is one of the most dreaded tasks in any restaurant. It's dangerous. It's messy. It's labor-intensive. It can even be costly if someone gets hurt in the process. That's why you need Total Oil Management—the all-in-one solution for fresh cooking oil delivery, grease removal and recycling at the push of a button.
With Total Oil Management, we handle the entire oil process for you—from ordering and receipt processing to delivering fresh cooking oil all the way to storing, handling and recycling of used cooking oil. Our advanced kitchen equipment and technology even automates everything so your employees never have to worry about transporting hot oil ever again.
How does it work? We install two tanks, one for bulk fresh cooking oil and one for waste oil in your back-of-house. The tanks are connected to your fryers, as well as an exterior wall. We then install automatic controls on the inside of your fryers so employees can easily add, filter and dispose at the push of a button. We do system configurations for all fryer types—even those without built-in filtration. Once the equipment is installed, our service trucks deliver fresh cooking oil and remove restaurant grease via a lockable outdoor fill box. All grease picked up by our trucks is recycled into biodiesel, making used cooking oil removal and grease recycling easy for you and your business. The entire process is done according to your schedule and cooking oil usage, creating a seamless experience thanks to the system’s closed-loop functionality. And with us, there are no upfront capital costs to install or unexpected service charges on equipment because we stand behind our services.
Don’t waste another minute on manual restaurant grease management. Get started today and stop worrying about fryer oil so you and your staff can get back to what really matters: delivering the food and dining experience your customers crave.
Oil Management. Simplified.
Managing your oil is a necessity. And expensive. But it’s also complicated. Is it even possible to ensure true consistency and transparency across all restaurant locations every day? It is with our one-of-a-kind Total Oil Management system. Our oil technology and monitoring solutions provide managers with access to an easy-to-use dashboard for visibility into each location’s performance and compliance with standard operating procedures (SOPs). This data, pulled from the advanced smart equipment we install in your kitchen, is continuously updated for daily analysis.
Not only that but our Oil Activity subscription technology tracks daily oil usage and sends email notifications when a location exceeds its threshold or isn’t filtering for the required duration. Managers can also view current oil levels, evaluate trends in oil usage, and see the delivery and disposal history. When paired with your own food data, daily tracking of food-to-oil ratios and other key metrics becomes possible—and easy—across locations and dayparts. Now you have the power to determine if your staff is using too much oil, costing you money, or using too little oil, sacrificing food quality.
A variety of data views and downloadable reports allow managers to review historical data, compare oil usage and analyze activity over time. But what does all of this mean to you? It means you can improve staff training, correct employee behavior, forecast future oil usage and identify areas to improve efficiency.