Project: Evaluation of Premera T2 MCM as an anti-oxidative clear coat over existing paint system consisting of zinc primer and acrylic base coat

Client: Golden Gate Bridge

Area: 2000 Square Feet

Location: San Francisco, CA

Date: August 2012

Customer Need: The Golden Gate Bridge repainted its towers for its 75th anniversary. The Bridge Authority was exploring the use of coatings which provide graffiti protection in the high traffic, high visibility areas. The day after they repainted the bridge, the bottom 12 feet of the towers around the walkways was coated. After more than 8 years, oxidation of the Premera coated area has been inhibited.

Value Delivered: Currently, the Golden Gate Bridge Authority is evaluating the option to use T2 coating to extend the repaint cycle from continuous to once every 10 years.

The San Francisco Jazz Center was spending 10 hours a day, totaling $7,500 a month, cleaning the floors every day of the facility.

The Pearl Apartments were newly built apartments that were about to release their units for leasing. New build move-ins are the most aggressive wear that an apartment will see during its lifetime, as there is a much higher concentration of move-ins all happening at the same time.

Airstream requires a sprayable, thin film, anti-corrosion, easy to clean clear coat for polished aluminum parts. The solution also needed to be able to bond directly to polished aluminum without any substrate profile, and without disturbing the polished look.

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